3 – Governance
Comprising around fifteen people, Aubay’s management team has been extremely stable since its creation and is regularly revamped with new talented professionals, who contribute new visions and become the driving force behind Aubay.
Today, around 46% of the capital is held by the directors and founders and their families, which is why the “corporate culture” is often seen as a “family” culture.
3.1 Directors, members ofthe Executive Committee
General Management of the Group

Philippe RABASSE
Managing DirectorAdministrator and Managing Director
·Graduated from ENSIMAG
·Consultant at Marben then Managing Director of a subsidiary of the group.
· Managing Director of Aubay and then
a reference shareholder a few years later.

David FUKS
Deputy Managing Director Financial Affairs
Deputy Managing Director Legal AffairsDeputy Managing Director Financial affairs
- Founder
- University Education
- Postgraduate studies in Business Law
- Joined the Aubay project during its initial stage, in 1997, and supported its development.
- Took charge of the 30 growth operations implemented since its origin.
Operational management

Deputy Managing Director France
Christophe ANDRIEUX
Deputy Managing Director Belgique
Deputy Managing Director Italy
Christophe DAVREUX
Deputy Managing Director Luxembourg
Deputy Managing Director Spain
Deputy Managing Director Portugal
UK Director3.2/3.3 Board of Directors and Committees
Board of Directors

Christian AUBERT
CEOAdministrator and Chairman of the Board of Directors
· Founder
· Graduated from ESIEA
· Consultant and then founder of his first company in the IT and telecom sector in 1972, Marben.
· Listing of Marben on the
Stock Exchange in 1987.
· Creator of the company Aurifère Auplata, listed on the stock exchange in 2002 and sold in 2007.

Philippe RABASSE
Administrator & Managing DirectorAdministrator and Managing Director
·Graduated from ENSIMAG
·Consultant at Marben then Managing Director of a subsidiary of the group.
· Managing Director of Aubay and then
a reference shareholder a few years later.

Administrator & Deputy Managing DirectorAdministrator and Deputy Managing Director
·University Education
Postgraduate studies in Business Law
· Joined the Aubay project during its initial stage, in 1997, and supported its development.
·Took charge of the 30 growth operations implemented since its origin.

Independent DirectorIndependent Director
· Graduated from the Institute of Political Studies
· Communications consultant.
· Managing Director at Bureau Bleu,
an influential communicationagency created in 2004.
·Supports SME and ETI directors in many sectors.
· In 2016, she managed events and communication for a network of 8,000 leaders in 34 countries at APM.

Independent DirectorIndependent Director
- Graduated from Audencia Nantes
- Investment manager at NextStage, private equity fund (2008-2013)
- Joined onefinestay platform to launch the activity in France then manage the expansion in Europe (2013-2017)
- Investment director then partner and administrator of the CapHorn venture capital fund (2018-2022)
- General Partner at Jolt Capital, private equity fund investing in technology companies in Europe

Director representing employeesDirector appointed by the employees
·University education
and holder of a DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies) degree
in Artificial Intelligence
·Consultant and then business
engineer at Sys-com,
which then became Aedian.
·Joined Aubay at the time of its acquisition in 2013.
·Head of the Insurance offer at Aubay.
Audit Committee

President of the Audit CommitteeIndependent Director
- Graduated from Audencia Nantes
- Investment manager at NextStage, private equity fund (2008-2013)
- Joined onefinestay platform to launch the activity in France then manage the expansion in Europe (2013-2017)
- Investment director then partner and administrator of the CapHorn venture capital fund (2018-2022)
- General Partner at Jolt Capital, private equity fund investing in technology companies in Europe

Christian AUBERT
Member of the Audit CommitteeAdministrator and Chairman of the Board of Directors
· Founder
· Graduated from ESIEA
· Consultant and then founder of his first company in the IT and telecom sector in 1972, Marben.
· Listing of Marben on the
Stock Exchange in 1987.
· Creator of the company Aurifère Auplata, listed on the stock exchange in 2002 and sold in 2007

Member of the Audit CommitteeIndependent Director
· Graduated from the Institute of Political Studies
· Communications consultant.
· Managing Director at Bureau Bleu,
an influential communication agency created in 2004.
·Supports SME and ETI directors in many sectors.
· In 2016, she managed events and communication for a network of 8,000 leaders in 34 countries at APM.
Remuneration Committee

President of the remuneration CommitteeIndependent Director
· Graduated from the Institute of Political Studies
· Communications consultant.
· Managing Director at Bureau Bleu,
an influential communication agency created in 2004.
·Supports SME and ETI directors in many sectors.
· In 2016, she managed events and communication for a network of 8,000 leaders in 34 countries at APM.

Christian AUBERT
Member of the remuneration CommitteeAdministrator and Chairman of the Board of Directors
· Founder
· Graduated from ESIEA
· Consultant and then founder of his first company in the IT and telecom sector in 1972, Marben.
· Listing of Marben on the
Stock Exchange in 1987.
· Creator of the company Aurifère Auplata, listed on the stock exchange in 2002 and sold in 2007.

Member of the remuneration CommitteeDirector appointed by the employees
·University education
and holder of a DEA (Diploma of Advanced Studies) degree
in Artificial Intelligence
·Consultant and then business
engineer at Sys-com,
which then became Aedian.
·Joined Aubay at the time of its acquisition in 2013.
·Head of the Insurance offer at Aubay.

Member of the remuneration CommitteeIndependent Director
. Graduated from Audencia Nantes
. Investment manager at NextStage, private equity fund (2008-2013)
. Joined onefinestay platform to launch the activity in France then manage the expansion in Europe (2013-2017)
. Investment director then partner and administrator of the CapHorn venture capital fund (2018-2022)
. General Partner at Jolt Capital, private equity fund investing in technology companies in Europe
CSR Strategy Committee

Philippe RABASSE
Managing DirectorAdministrator and Managing Director
·Graduated from ENSIMAG
·Consultant at Marben then Managing Director of a subsidiary of the group.
· Managing Director of Aubay and then a reference
shareholder a few years later.

Deputy Managing Director Legal AffairsAdministrator and Deputy Managing Director
·University Education
Postgraduate studies in Business Law
· Joined the Aubay project during its initial stage, in 1997, and supported its development.
·Took charge of the 30 growth operations implemented since its origin.

David FUKS
Deputy Managing Director Financial Affairs
Deputy Managing Director France
CSR Manager3.4 Statutes and Rules of Procedure
Statutes of the listed company – 12-28-2023

Rules of procedure of the Board of Directors

Rules of procedure of the Audit Committee

3.5 Reports
Corporate governance reference code: Middlenext
Corporate governance report