1 – Shareholding

1.1 Datasheet

Date of listing on the stock market: 1998 (free market) – 1999 (regulated market)
Trading market: Euronext Paris
Indices: Small CAC
Nomenclature: Codes ISIN FR0000063737-AUB, Reuters AUBT.PA, Bloomberg AUB:FP LEI: 969500KGFSDP6UUKIA67
Share type: capital share
Nominal value: 0.5 cts
Year closing date: 31 December
Company managing the liquidity contract: Gilbert Dupont
Calendar of periods of activities: See the closed periods.

1.2 Stock prices

1.3 History of stock prices and dividends

Capital in thousands of euros

Annual dividend

The Board of Directors has proposed the payment of a dividend of €0.66 for the year 2020 (including the interim payment of 0.33 cents paid on 10 November).
This proposal is subject to approval by the General Meeting of 10 May 2022. Taking into account the interim dividend of €0.34 per share paid on 10 November 2021, the balance to be paid will be €0.76 per share.

Progression of the annual dividend

Always on the rise since the beginning

1.4 Capital allocation

1.5 Shareholder relations

Shareholder relations contact
See contacts

1.6 Analysis notes

Research bureaus:
Gilbert Dupont : Emmanuel Parot
Société Générale : Derric Marcon

1.7 Personalised shareholders’ area


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